In a survival situation, watch for signs of drinking water nearby such as plants with green leaves or lowlands where water can be collected, as well as traces of wildlife such as animal tracks that indicate a water source. Drinking water is necessary for survival, but it must be remembered that not all sources are safe and it is advisable to always purify drinking water before use. You might also need the best survival gear that can help you collect water, and you can Find Out More about it on a trusted survival gear store.
– If mountains are located nearby, water may collect at the foot of the cliff.
– The presence of insects such as mosquitoes and flies usually indicates that there is water nearby.
– Water from oxygen sources (large waterfalls and fast currents) is usually safer than in bodies of water with the slow flow or stagnant water.
– Usually, the safest ones are spring water and fresh water, although this water can also be contaminated with minerals or bacteria.
– Remember that all untreated water should be considered hazardous. Even clear water can be fraught with disease and cause harm.
Then, rainwater is one of the most affordable and safest sources of moisture in forests. When it starts to rain, place the available containers in the open. If there is a tarp or other protective cloak, it should be placed at least 1 meter above the ground, tie the corners to the trees and place a small rock in the center to get a recess.
– Do not leave water in the container or tarpaulin for a long time, otherwise, bacteria will appear in the stagnant water.
– If possible, try to boil the collected water.
Then, you can try collecting morning dew with a cloth. Use rags, scarves, socks, socks, or any clothing made of absorbent materials such as cotton to collect the morning dew. Find a meadow or meadow with tall grass and place a cloth on top of the grass. Transfer the cloth over the grass and saturate it with moisture, then squeeze the water into the container.
– The maximum number of dew can be collected before sunrise.
– Do not collect dew from poisonous plants. The grass will be the safest option.