How Fences Works As Safety Precaution

Barricade or barrier is a transverse fence made of iron between the audience and the stage or a barrier between places. These safety barriers are designed to look like fences with varying heights. Generally, the minimum height of the barricades is around 1.2 meters and the height of the hallway barricades can reach 3 meters or exceed the human height. Make sure you get the best single width scaffold tower to help you with safety.

For safety during the concert, the barriers must meet several criteria. From the start, make sure the stage barricade material is made of strong and sturdy iron so that the audience cannot jump over this guardrail or knock it down. At least it can withstand the thrust of the audience, is not easily shifted or collapsed, and can block the audience’s anarchic actions. Meanwhile, the entrance barricade must be able to limit the queue. Because this is where the officers conduct ticket checks, the spectators must take turns entering because this barricade only contains one person per route. A concert event is not safe without a barrier at the entrance or around the stage because this guardrail has the following functions. It can break the audience in the queue. It also acts as a liaison between the main concert venue and the entrance and preventing anarchist actions.

A good fence can be used to protect the artist in an emergency. The artist’s safety during the concert is the responsibility of the organizer, even if the event is arranged in detail, negative things might still happen. For example, when an artist passes through a barricade hallway, someone suddenly pulls them, meaning that the crew must swiftly move the barricade to that location. So if you are going to hold a music concert, make sure everything is well thought out, not just in terms of production. Permits from the authorities, venue permits, riders talent contracts, tenants, etc. must also be considered. Because there is no guarantee that the band you are carrying the event will be successful and never rely on capital events only from ticket sales, there must be initial capital.

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