In design, color can activate your right brain, which is associated with emotions. By design, you want people to get the message you are conveying and feel what you want them to feel. Color has a big influence on this, given that each color has a meaning and gives a different nuance. Therefore, you can pay attention to some guidelines from creative web design in london for using colors in the design below so you don’t choose the wrong choice.
Study Color Charts
All colors are made of three primary colors, namely red, blue, and yellow. The combination of the three will produce orange, green, and purple colors. When you combine these six colors, you get twelve new colors that form a pie chart of twelve colors. You need to know that each color has its own “temperature”. Red, for example, tends to have a warmer spectrum, while the blue side of the diagram tends to be cooler.
Pay attention to the Undertone Color
Undertone is a “hidden” color that is behind the main color. For example, if you want to mix blue with another color, you can go for a gray that has blue undertones. This is still related to the “temperature” that each color has. While blue does tend to be cool, there are several types of blue that have an element of red which makes them appear warmer, as is usually found in purples. Meanwhile, the cool blue color generally contains elements of green.
Consider Color Psychology
Everyone does have a different perception of a design. However, some colors can have the same effect on all of us. This is where the psychology of color in design is needed because certain colors can have a special effect on the audience. Red, for example, has an aggressive character and demands attention. This is certainly different from the blue color which is often associated with calm. But the darker the blue used, the psychology will show credibility and strength.